Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Have you made a difference?

What have you been doing?  Has it made a difference?  Was the difference with the intent of "Good" or "Bad"?  Was it for selfish reasons? Was it without a thought to your self interest? Has it made "the world" a better place or worse?   I find myself asked daily to "Save the Planet".  Can I destroy the planet?  Would I destroy my home? I would find it difficult to have a place for all my stuff.  Who exactly starts their day out and says: "I am going to destroy the planet"? I don't know how you would "Destroy the Planet".  Maybe I could start by destroying the family? That would be a good start. Then I could destroy people's belief in themselves?  How about destroy a person's belief that they matter as an "individual"?  How about destroy a group of people's ability to uplift each other?  Hey I know, religion!!! It must be destroyed!  That way there are no moral absolutes! No right, no wrong; and no one to judge me!  That would leave me free to destroy the planet. Then would just be your perception that I am doing something that destroys the planet or not?  Besides if it helps me then who cares anyway?  That is your version of the truth.  There would be no ultimate good or bad, only what benefits my selfish self interest!  Hug a child.  Go to your religious group of choice. Enjoy your freedom.

Have you made a difference today?

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